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In AnticaP2E, there are two types of magic - rune and instant magic. Instant spells use mana on the cast, can be bound to your hotkeys, and can be cast upon a keypress.
Rune spells are a little different, you have to first create (or buy) them and then you can use them (usually, there are few exceptions) without any mana cost. It is common that players, to prepare for their adventure, try to gather as many runes as they can carry, to keep their mana pool high all the time during the encounter. Runemaking: Spells can be bound to runes in process of runemaking, which require a caster to carry a blank rune and burn their mana in the process. This way, he can pile up on usable spells without spending too much of his character resources on the spot.
Cooldown: Almost every spell and rune have some sort of cooldown. To allow dynamic and skillful gameplay, Tibiaswap spell and cooldown system resembles a mix of PVP and ENFO Tibia systems. There is one global cooldown (GCD), triggered by all types of spells. Of which, there are three types with pretty similar cooldowns.